01. Create a wallet with Phantom
Visit phantom.app and follow the simple steps to create a new account with the Phantom app or browser extension.
02. Get some $SOL
Tap the BUY button in the app to purchase Solana, or deposit $SOL to your Phantom wallet from the crypto exchange of your choice.

03. Swap $SOL for $BURTON
Tap the SWAP icon in your Phantom wallet and paste the $BURTON contract address. Swap your $SOL for $BURTON

Contract Address:

© 2025. All rights reserved.
$BURTON is a meme coin with no intrinsic value, utility, or financial guarantees. It is not an investment or security, and participation is at the user’s own risk. $BURTON is a fan coin and is NOT affiliated with Tim Burton or any related rights holders. Users should conduct their own research and comply with applicable laws.